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Видео ютуба по тегу S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
TRASH JAX GAMEPLAY- Pre-Season 8 Ranked Journey 8 (League of Legends)
Sneaky as Ashe Alistar vs Draven Teemo Bot S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Werhli Riven vs Kayn Jungle - Best Riven Brazil - S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
malzahar - 9296: froggen as malzahar vs zoe mid - s8 preseason ranked gameplay
BoxBox Riven vs Teemo Top - lol Riven - S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Sneaky as Twitch Brand vs Jhin Leona Bot S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Bye Bye Talon 😞, Hello Jax 😍?- Pre-Season 8 Ranked journey 7 (League of Legends)
Meteos as Rek'Sai Jungle vs Kha'Zix S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Quas Jayce vs Malphite Top - S8 preseason Ranked Gameplay
BoxBox Riven vs Ornn Top - Best Riven Play - S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Doublelift as Amumu Jungle vs Rek'Sai S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Doublelift as Amumu Jungle vs Rek'Sai S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Dyrus as Warwick Jungle vs Mundo S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
TheOddOne as Maokai Jungle vs Ezreal S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Adrian Riven Riven vs Cho'gath Top - lol Riven - S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Meteos as Elise Jungle vs Graves S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay patch 7.22
THE RETURN OF TALON- Pre Season 8 Ranked Journey 9 (League of Legends)
Adrian Riven Riven Vs Jayce Top - lol Riven - S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Bjergsen as Zoe vs Malzahar Mid S8 Preseason Ranked Gameplay
Taric Gameplay VOD 1/14/18 - Diamond V S8 Preseason
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